Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer Rain

Too bad missionaries can't have puppies :-(

They have a nice toaster

At Church in Okegawa


Sisters on the road

Hello everyone! 

Thank you for all your emails! I hope you are all enjoying your summer! It's been raining so much and I love it! It's
still been pretty cool with the rain but everyone is saying that August feels like death... Bring it on. I seriously think we had more rain in an hour than Apple valley ever had in a year! It's insane!

This week was awesome!  I love my companions! We are having a great time and I LOVE finding. I feel like I'm coming out of my comfort zone more and I'm more willing to talk to people and I'm not as afraid to make
mistakes. It really helps my language improve. We decided to try and make housing and streeting fun. We said we wanted to talk to everyone wearing a striped shirt. We prayed and told Heavenly Father to put prepared people in our path because we would talk to everyone wearing striped shirts. So the next day we went out and we turned a corner and literally everyone was wearing striped shirts! It was crazy! We went from person to person, sharing short messages with them. Some people weren't interested and some listened. It was a huge testimony builder that God does hear and answer our prayers.

I went on exchanges with Sister Gates and I met with one of the investigators there and she is amazing! She loves President Monson so much! She almost started crying just talking about him. She really wants to go to the next general conference to see him. It was such a huge testimony builder to me.

This transfer we have decided to set a lot of specific goals. Sister Teruya told us, "I want to see a miracle." We are determined to do everything we can to see a miracle. We have been really trying to exercise more faith and it definitely makes a difference when we have the same goal in mind as our Father in Heaven.

I love you all so much! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD! I hope you have a safe week. Thank you for all that you do! I miss you all! Aishiteimasu!

Sister Lacey

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